


December 2024 – L’artiste chercheur …

Qu’est-ce qu’un artiste ? Quelqu’un qui trace son sillon ou quelqu’un qui réinvente son art chaque matin ? Chacun a une approche personnelle, pour ma part une rencontre a suggéré quelques pistes, avec Erik Karol, un de ces artistes dont la vie est une aventure permanente.. Exemple en deux anecdotes … Lors de  l’audition pour … Lire la suite L’artiste chercheur …


Tunepical Magazine (USA)
(about “Au Nom du Père”) – May 2024

“Au Nom du Père” resonates deeply with its haunting melodies and provocative lyrics. The capacity of Erik Karol to express profound emotions musically is exceptional. From the opening note, I find myself pulled into a contemplative and reflective state. The lyrics vividly illustrate a struggle against societal constraints and a fight for freedom, blending images of hymns marking the skin and flags rising amidst cries of despair. Each line is like a poetic exploration of the complexities of faith and repression. Your word choice is both powerful and moving, prompting listeners to face harsh realities about our society. The musical arrangement is just as enthralling, with layers of sounds that flow beautifully in sync with the lyrics. The contrast between gentle tunes and stark images creates a dynamic tension that captivates me from beginning to end. “Au Nom du Père” is not merely a song; it’s a potent anthem for those brave enough to question and defy the established norms. Keep breaking barriers, Erik, as your artistic expression has the potential to ignite significant discussions and bring about change. We’re excited to feature this thought-provoking track on our music blog.


(about “Tatoo Taboo) – February 2024
link => HERE

Dive into the captivating world of Erik Karol with his latest instrumental revelation, “Tatoo Taboo.” This piece is a testament to Erik’s prowess as both a visionary producer and a virtuoso guitarist, inviting listeners into a realm where musical norms are not just challenged but reinvented. Featured on his album “Encore un Peu,” “Tatoo Taboo” offers a glimpse into Erik’s exceptional ability to blend dynamic rhythms and unexpected melodies into a cohesive and mesmerizing auditory experience.

Collaborating with the skilled bassist Jean Le Henaff, Erik Karol crafts a rich and intricate musical narrative that transcends traditional boundaries. The track unfolds like a mosaic, with each chord and riff introducing a new layer of Erik’s ingenuity. “Tatoo Taboo” is a journey through a diverse soundscape that promises to surprise and enchant at every turn.

Seize the opportunity to explore the depths of Erik Karol’s musical genius. “Tatoo Taboo” is an invitation to lose yourself in the artistry and creativity of a master at work. Let Erik and Jean guide you through their world of sonic exploration, where every note is a discovery and every melody a revelation.


SLE Radio (UK)
(au sujet de la chanson “Tatoo Taboo) – janvier 2024

This is lovely, smooth and demur, the guitar sounds like a seductress weaving her enchanting web deep into soul.


B#AWARE (au sujet de la chanson Un Pas en Avant) – janvier 2024

Ce titre qui m’a embarqué dans son univers et fait faire quelques pas en avant.


                      Boulimique de Musique (Québec – Canada) – (au sujet de la chanson Un Pas en Avant) – janvier 2024

L’artiste français est de retour avec une chanson pop exploratoire avec un léger penchant psychédélique qui évoque des influences trip-hop. Hautement atmosphérique, ce morceau gravite autour d’une approche rythmique soigneusement texturée et d’une poésie empreinte d’une magnifique sensibilité. L’interprétation vocale masculine au ton théâtral insuffle une ambiance empreinte d’une mystérieuse sensualité à ce captivant titre iconoclaste.


ScannerFM (Spain) – janvier 2024 (about Tatoo Taboo

It is a great post rock song. A brilliant and epic composition that would perfectly work for screenings.


Rádio Alternativa Rock (Brésil) – janvier 2024 (about Tatoo Taboo

Amazing work, we really love it, what a great track. Great solos. Exciting, good energy and high quality, the recording and production are excellent.

(about the song “Fous“)
Via Fous, Erik Karol démontre une nouvelle fois son habileté à associer textes engagés et arrangements irrésistibles. Si la révolution pouvait être aussi simple…


Première Pluie (France)
(about the song “Fous“)
(…) Une atmosphère bien différente qui témoigne d’une capacité
d’ interprétation. C’est suffisamment rare pour être souligné. Il y a une vraie maîtrise textuelle également, comme sur “Irréel”, on sent une approche basée sur la qualité de l’univers artistique.
Fous est un morceau très abouti.


B#AWAR(about the song “Ce que l’on vous a fait“)

A tous ceux qui ont envie de passer du côté obscur, Erik Karol exhorte de ne pas faire ce que l’on vous a fait…Du fond du chaos, parfois, émerge une voix, ligne directe pour prendre conscience de choses que notre esprit, trop souvent, refuse de voir ou d’accepter, petite lumière dans la nuit la plus noire qui soit, celle de nos sociétés aveugles et sourdes. Cette voix, aujourd’hui, c’est celle d’Erik Karol qui vient tenter de nous sortir de cette douce léthargie dans laquelle nous nous sommes volontairement plongés. Car dans son regard, il y a ces pestes brunes qui peu à peu grignotent nos horizons, ces croyances dont on se sert toujours pour justifier l’infâme et faire oublier que derrière se cachent toujours la plus vile des politiques, des guerres que l’on fait sans plus rien y comprendre, sans même savoir pourquoi et pour qui on continue à les mener. Dans ses mots, il y a ces enfants, ceux que l’on voit et ceux que l’on a été, qui restent notre seul espoir et à qui on a envie de hurler, comme Erik Karol peut le faire sur une mélodie rock abrupte et sèche, de se souvenir des genoux écorchés et surtout, surtout, de ne jamais faire aux autres ce “que l’on vous a fait”… Puisse ce message être entendu même si, par pessimisme primaire, on pensera que cela tient plus de l’utopie que d’une réalité à venir !

Olivier Wouters – Made in Belgium (Belgique)
(about the song « Ce que l’on vous a fait »)
Un son glacial (…) et un texte engagé emmènent « Ce que l’on vous a fait » dans la catégorie des protest-songs modernes.
mp3hugger (Irlande)
(about the song “Ce que l’on vous a fait“)
The beats should have told us everything about the classic rock that was on the edges of our world. For that is unmistakabaly what Erik Karol is about, ushering up the ghosts and spirits of yore and giving us a classic case of gothic inspiration as a result. sure it is familiar but he gets into costume so we know we are getting the real thing, 100% drama and a boon for those into the way we used to be.
(about the song “Irréel“)
La voix, posée, est magnifique et transcrit une poésie brute et intime. La sobriété des arrangements et des rythmes participe aussi au goût que l’on a immédiatement pour ce morceau. Cette voix n’est pas sans rappeler celle des plus grands. C’est grand.
Boulimique de Musique (Quebec, Canada)
“Akasha” est une pièce extrèmement atmosphérique à l’intrumentation riche et diversifiée et aux sonorités qui ressortent des sempiternels arrangement occidentaux. Le chant rappelle un peu Lisa Gerrard (Dead Can Dance) pour la puissance vocvale ainsi que l’aspect spirituel qui en émane pour le plus grand plaisir des auditeurs aventuriers.

Auteur sans âge, interprète surdoué pouvant monter jusqu’à cinq octaves puis chantonner tranquillement un de ses poèmes, Erik Karol est un personnage extra-ordinaire et universel. Après de vertes années dans l’Hexagone, il a poursuivi une carrière atypique à travers le monde entier, en approchant des univers différents. (…)


Florence Julienne (Tranoï Magazine)  about “Polyphonic Trees

Ce Polyphonic Trees décroche les étoiles. Un à un, il perfore les nuages d’une voix haute et pourtant grave.  Son album ne se lance pas dans une analyse effrénée de la disgrâce. Mature face à la condition humaine, il opère une magie dont seule la musique et les paroles d’une chanson ont le secret. « Par les failles de nos fêlures, entre les mailles de nos blessures, passera la lumière irréelle »… Chaque articulation, chantée en anglais, français ou espagnol, invite à une émancipation du genre commun. Toute respiration est une envolée en forme d’échappée belle car « Fallen is inevitable » pour qui veut toucher les étoiles. Au delà d’une performance musicale, unique et engagée, l’artiste nous propose une ode spirituelle. Sans doute est-il lui même « parti » de loin, arpentant le monde avec la troupe du « Cirque du Soleil » – le soleil, justement…-, se perdant dans le chagrin et l’isolement pour s’être ainsi affranchi de la tourmente, « Let’s believe in a virgin seed, from the chaos, flowers will grow »… Fort de ses convictions musicales, Erik Karol, « Blueterfly », nous propose un disque transcendantal, entre lyrisme et smooth wave. « There’ s no bargain, no surrender to set up the new pyramids »… Si une infinie mélancolie résiste à la lumière, c’est pour n’oublier personne sur la route, surtout pas celles et ceux qui doutent encore, « Lagrimas que ves….que fluyen a veces, Son la vida de tus ojos… » C’est parce qu’il est généreux et humain, que « Polyphonic Trees » s’écoute en boucle révélant, à chaque fois, une nouvelle saveur, tel un arbre aux fruits riches et goûteux.


Eric Ouzounian

The first impression is height. Erik’s capacity to meet the peaks is immediately perceptible and it has been so from his very beginnings till his latest compositions with sharp guitar, whirlwind of chords and electro board.
The voice is exceptional, both naturally lying on usually unimaginable postures but also worked to the limits of goldsmith’s art : self-assured, available.
This voice would almost seem to disturb the rendering of the text, captivating attention as it does. And yet, the singing is always a matter of emotion to which vocal technique remains at the service.

The second impression is attitude. If the persistence of ideals and the constancy of the project define an artist, then one can predict a long career, paved with success and spiced with bitterness, and also guided on a road leading to ever more beautiful music and texts so that those listening are more infatuated with kindness, ability to listen and freedom.

The last impression is habit. Listening to his recordings and his concerts, one knows ears are more opened to the world, eyes on the news. Curiosity is aroused and consciousness sharpened all the time and every day, so that nothing gets away.


CHORUS (France) —Valérie Dehoux—
With his astounding wide-range voice, his hair to his shoulders and his black-angel style, this singer lacks neither talent nor charm.


FRANCE SOIR (France) — Jean-Louis Foulquier, interviewé par Monique Prévot
After three songs on my show “Pollen,” I know who I’m dealing with: Erik Karol is exceptionally gifted.


CHORUS (France) — Jean-Claude Demari—
rik Karol, surrounded by decibels, moves on the stage gracefully, then suddenly shifts to an inventive folklore. He renders Les Anarchistes by Ferré with an exceptional power.


An extraordinary voice, easily capable of covering several octaves, Erik Karol’s words and notes create atmospheres drawn from either imaginary or everyday life.  Poet, singer, actor, he is a complete, versatile artist to discover absolutely.


TAMS (France) — Eric Ouzourian
Erik Karol is an original, intelligent and talented singer, to discover absolutely.


BOUM BOUM (France) — Caroline Fabre
A voice and lyrics filled with poetry and a real presence on stage, hybrid music (rock, French song, world beat)… everyone agrees that he leaves no one untouched.


SUD OUEST (France) — Jean-Marc Faubert  (About the F.I.E.F.)
But the peak was indeed the end of the first part with Erik Karol, a fantastic singer who has the same amazing vocal abilities as Klaus Nomi, and an uncommon dynamism on stage. This young androgynous man is on his way of becoming one of the most famous French singers. Erik Karol belongs to the tradition of the great artists, like Brel, Piaf…


LUI (France)
He is passionately fond of poetry.  His music is unlike any other: ethereal, rockmantic, perfectly matching his mystical personality.  Should he preserve his unique voice, should his lyrics and his music remain as striking as his voice, he will conquer showbiz with a smile.


FRANCE SOIR (France) — Monique Prévot
Erik Karol, remember this name, was the revelation and the winner, hands down, of «stars de demain». With his half-ingenuous, half-insolent look and his highly sensual voice, Erik Karol is on his way to fame.


 au sujet du spectacle Dralion du Cirque du Soleil


Erik Karol, the singer, also acts as a character, decorated in colorful costumes and going airborne as well. Karol, a countertenor (the highest male voice, above tenor), shows an amazing vocal range; one minute he sings in a rich baryton, the next he’s in a freaky stratosphere with his female counterpart.


 Best of all, the lead singer ,Erik Karol, is a counter-tenor with an exquisite voice. He has developed his head voice and chest voice, which allows him to move freely from one style to another.


The remarkable countertenor Erik Karol freely roams the set to it’s perimeters. Dressed in stangely regal garb, gold garments studded with glittering accretions, he looks like royalty from some parallel-universe baroque duchy.


All this is accompanied by an haunting score, made even more amazing by the voice of Erik Karol of France, possessed of a vocal range with almost as many octaves as Yma Sumac herself.


BACKSTAGE WEST (U.S.A.) — Kristina Mannion
Also adding to the overall otherworldly atmosphere of the show are the striking vocals of singer Erik Karol. Garbed in oversized, often angelic-looking costumes and singing words from an invented language, he intensifies the sense of drama surrounding each act.


L’EXPRESS (Canada) — Pauline Cyr
Erik Karol, like an asexual God, appears now and again to sing in an invented language with a voice that covers all octaves, from countertenor to bass.


LA VOIX DE L’EST (Quebec, Canada)
Erik Karol’s amazing voice moving effortlessly from countertenor to the lowest bass and combining a magical score inspired by world beat is the main attraction of this highly theatrical show.


TALKIN’ BROADWAY REGIONAL (Toronto, Canada) — Antonio Tan
 In the place of a ringmaster is a singer who appears throughout the show as a narrator or guide… The fantasy world created by the music is heightened by the vocalist of the show, Erik Karol, as the L’Âme Force, who sings undecipherable lyrics, and whose vocal style is that of both a man and woman… Amazing. Do not miss.


NATIONAL POST (Canada) — Brian Hunt
Dralion’s music is a grave thunder of drums and slowly swirling chords, pierced by the underworldly countertenor of Erik Karol.


ECHOS VEDETTES (Quebec, Canada) — L. Jalbert
The singer Erik Karol, coming down from the skies in the opening scene, leaves the audience dazzled.


HOUR (Quebec, Canada) —Jo Leslie
Erik Karol, a flamboyant falsetto singer descends from the Gods and presides over the whole events.


NEW YORK THEATRE WIRE (U.S.A.) — Philippa Wehle
 Counter tenor Erik Karol from France, presided over all of this as a majestic presence; part man, part woman, part God, part Louis XIV in magnificent gold and plumage, he accompanied the action in a sort of grand falsetto.


About Le Cabaret des Elements


This music like an island is at the crossroads of all beautiful thoughts. From the countries of Haize Belza to the unlimited lands of ether, it finds its echo in infinity, suggesting us to invent our own paths for the enchantment of our own legends.


CHANT’ESSONNE (France) — Michel Valette
This is an ambitious and avant-garde album that owes more to opera than to popular song… the result is a strange dreamlike atmosphere of incantatory music that could inspire a choreographer on the themes of wind, sea, fire, earth, water, air, ether and light. When Erik Karol adds his own spoken texts to music, we discover a poet of great wealth, from the school of a Rimbaud. Kudos for this daring work !


LA RÉPUBLIQUE-Dreux (France) — Raymond Ménard
A duet resembling a two-headed eagle, Erik Karol and Éric Signor play with the elements. They have unlocked a door that had remained closed until their arrival in the show business. A captivating show and a superb newly released album extending these inspiring moments.


LE MONDE – Aden (France)
Endowed with an impressive vocal range, Erik Karol slides over the octaves with allegretto. In this hymn to the elements, he literally flares up on stage, accompanied by his partner Éric Signor, a virtuoso on the piano and the accordion.


Le Cabaret des Éléments is composed of four acts, like a new opera genre in which Erik Karol’s powerful voice reaches new heights. In Jalès a cabaret was born. Everyone wishes that they always give us such wonderful performances.


BOUM BOUM (France) — Myriem Hajoui
Hymns to the genies of water, air, earth and fire by an unusual duo. Prick up your ears !


About the musical “Les Romantiques” at the théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.

FRANCE SOIR (France) — Monique Prévot
Erik Karol, accompanied by baroque violins, is romantically fascinating on the song La Femme en noir.